Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sad News

I just received an e-mail that no one involved with dogs wants to get. Sweetie has crossed the bridge. Her new parents renamed her Maggie and were absolutely wonderful to her. They are the type of home that everyone in Rescue waits for and is so grateful to find.

I am beyond heartbroken and without words. Rest easy, my little Tweetie-bird. Thank you for allowing me to help you find the Momma and Daddy you were meant to have all along. You will be missed.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monkey Update

I had two Min Pins staying with me over the last week, which meant having shifts of dogs because Tango the Whirling-Whippet is a bit much for the wee dogs to manage. Because of this, Monkey and I have yet to venture out into the big.. big.. world for some much-needed socialization. The good news is that I have 6 days off, starting on Thursday and that's when we're going to get a crash course in people and other doggies.

Monkey is doing well. I have a few people who expressed an interest and am hoping that if all goes well, he will be on his merry little way by the end of January.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monkey Update

As many of you already know, I am Fostering "Monkey" for ROMP IG Rescue in Chicago. Monkey has been with me for some time and we're working on his crate training. The weather has been nasty, so we have not started socializing him yet. I am hoping to do a lot of that over the next three weeks when I have a few days off.

After careful consideration, I feel that an agility/flyball home would be the best fit for Monkey. He is a high-energy Iggy who enjoys learning new things and would benefit from one-on-one training time with his new owner.

If you are looking for an Iggy and think Monkey might fit the bill, please contact me. If you know of someone who might be the home Monkey's been waiting for, please feel free to forward my contact info to them. I am located in Central Alberta.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Brrr! It's cold out there.

Ari and his Canadian-themed jammies

Luckily Ari had a spare pair that Monkey could borrow!

Trance, lookin' handsome in his warm, cozy jammies.
You can tell winter's here. The PJ's come out at Faerie Tail! Unfortunately, that also means that the boyz don't want to venture out into the yard for potty time. So we suffer a bit of a setback with regard to potty training. I have shovelled a path in the yard and an area for them to use which makes things much easier, but I'm hoping this weather doesn't last too long. EEK!
Monkey is doing well. He is going through a fear period right now and has had a bit of a setback with crate training ( which is why the crate is in the living room with the door open ). I am teaching him that the crate is not a bad thing. His food is placed inside the crate and the door is left open so that he gets used to it. The next step will be to put him in the crate and hold the door closed. Then we'll put him in and lock the door, make him wait at least 5 minutes without crying. The whole process shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks and hopefully this time it will stick.
Monkey is such a sweet little boy and I am quite fond of him. But I cannot keep him, so I am still looking for the right home for him. If you are interested in learning more about Monkey, please contact me for more info. faeryhound AT yahoo DOT CA
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Monkey Update

Greyt News! Monkey has learned to climb up and down the stairs by himself! He won't go in the crate by himself yet but is more agreeable to being put in there. He's also learning to wait patiently to be let out again.
He is also learning to enjoy "quiet time". Allow me to translate. When Monkey is getting a bit too wound up, I invite him over for quiet time. He sits quietly in my lap for a cuddle, which only lasts about 15 minutes but it's enjoyable.
Monkey adores Tango and plays with her almost non-stop. She rolls him over on his back, pins him down and he loves every minute of it. So, Monkey can dish it out but can also take it. He's a tuff little Monkey.
I am currently screening homes for Monkey, as I feel he will most likely be ready for placement in mid to late January. I am looking for a home with at least one other dog. Monkey is high energy but will mellow as he gets older ( he reminds me of Ari, who has matured out to be a rather laid back fellow ). I would also like to see Monkey involved in Obedience classes and with someone who is committed to ongoing training.
I will post updates regularily, please feel free to contact me if you are interested in Monkey.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ludivina's Way

Reiki is an energetic form of healing which removes blockages, emotional trauma , promotes stress reduction and deep relaxation. Reiki stimulates the healing process - body, mind and spirit. Reiki can be provided hands on, or by long distance.

My Mother is a a Reiki Master Teacher. She provides energetic healing to animals, encouraging and helping their human partners to provide Reiki to their animals by teaching them Reiki. She has a page on her website with information here

I wasn't too sure about Reiki but my anxiety was so bad that I was willing to try anything that didn't involve medication. I no longer wanted to pollute my body with chemicals which only provided short term relief, with the issue only compounding over time. Both my sister and my mother encouraged me to seek help from Lori Scaife, a Reiki Master ( who later taught my Mother ). I noticed improvement after my first treatment and recommend it to everyone.

I was attuned to Level 1 so that I could offer Reiki to Diana in her last months with me and found it helped her tremendously. It provided me with a way to bond with her and helped me deal with her loss. Even if you and your animals are in perfect health, Reiki can help maintain balance in your life.

Blessings from the Faerie Laedie!

Monkey Business!

Monkey is such a sweet boy and has come a long way since gaining some much-needed self-confidence.

I have determined that Monkey is a high-energy Iggy who is going to need a job. Once he is ready, I will be looking for a home where the new family would be willing to enroll Monkey in Obedience and perhaps even a sport such as Agility. Monkey is not registered, so he would not be able to compete in official events but it would be a wonderful bonding experience for him and his new family.

He loves other dogs and plays with my Whippet non-stop so I would like him to go to a home with another mid to high energy dog who will keep him company. He would make an excellent walking companion - he has a ton of energy to burn. That is partly due to his age, so I am sure he will mellow out as he gets older.

All of my Fosters are crate trained, leash trained, house trained, socialized and have some basic obedience training prior to being made available for adoption. At the moment, Monkey and I are working on crate training. My goal is to get him to the point where he will go in the crate willingly and remain there until I choose to let him out. Due to the fact I have multiple dogs, they all eat their supper in their crates. I usually eat my own supper at the same time and they are expected to remain in their crates until I am ready to let them out. Crate training is an ongoing process. You cannot take a crate trained dog, not use the crate for a year and then expect them to be willing to spend any time in a crate. You will have to start the training over again, which is why I recommend using the crate at least for mealtime so that they are still familiar with the process.

I am also hoping to start the socialization process this week. What I do is take them to dog-friendly public places ( usually PetSmart and TailBlazers ) to meet people and other dogs.

Based on his progress, I feel that Monkey will be ready for rehoming in January. I currently have a few homes that have expressed an interest in Monkey and will continue to screen homes until I find the right match for him. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in adopting, as I have another IG due to arrive at Faerie Tail in the New Year and never know when another may arrive.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How do you teach an Iggy to sit?

You put a belly band on him! Part of my housetraining method for the boys is for them to wear a belly band. It is a piece of fabric with an absorbant layer in the middle and fastens around their waist with velcro. If they pee, it gets wet and usually is a deterrant. If nothing else, it keeps them from peeing on your furniture, curtains and such. IG's are not horrid for marking ( I found Min Pins to be worse ) but they do mark and can be trained out of it.
So Monkey is in the process of learning not to mark but is not enjoying the belly band. He is convinced that this medieval torture device prevents him from walking, so he spent most of the evening seated in one spot and avoiding eye contact with the "Evil Momma-lady".
Monkey is also getting better on the stairs. He can go down all by himself but isn't too sure how to get himself started going up. He seems to think he has to take a run at it and that he's too little to reach the bottom stair with his back feet. Silly Monkey!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Do you REALLY want an IG?

( adapted from the German Pinscher Club of America information package )

If you lack patience and calm temperament....are unable to say "NO" and mean it....have no interest in even the most basic training....

If your lifestyle is such that you have little time to do more than feed and let the dog out, if you only go home to sleep, if your social life is more important than socializing your dog...

If you feel that a dog should be able to tolerate much physical and emotional abuse, or if you feel that a dog does not need supervision and "should just know better"......

If the only way you know how to communicate is by screaming,

If you think that taking your dog to the bar is appropriate,

If you want an Italian Greyhound because you saw one in a movie but haven’t done any research about the breed and aren’t really interested in doing so,

If you feel you can pick up a puppy and bring it home fully trained and are not willing to work with your puppy to teach it manners or housetraining,

If the occasional mess in the house is something you cannot live with,

If affection from your dog would embarrass you and if displaying affection for your dog isn’t something you are willing to do,

If putting a coat or sweater on your dog would embarrass you, if you wouldn’t be caught shopping for doggie outfits or if you feel that a dog doesn’t need clothes,

If you have an aversion to a dog sticking his face up to yours to smell your eyes or stick his nose in your ear to warm it up a bit or crawl under the covers with you,

If you want your dog to amuse itself, have no intention of getting a few toys or taking the odd trip to the park or the backyard with your new companion,

If you don’t want your dog on the furniture,

If having the dog follow you everywhere, including into the bathroom would annoy you to no end,

If you do not believe in crates, ex-pens, leashes or a fenced yard, don’t even think about an Italian Greyhound because

If you feel that backyard breeding is your key to financial freedom and security - or if you just want to breed to keep a puppy....
Any reputable breeder will tell you that money is the LAST reason to buy a puppy. The unfortunate truth is that countless puppies are the casualties of greed, ignorance and exploitation. In 2004 alone, the IGCA Rescue Team was able to help 600 dogs find the homes they deserve. I firmly believe that educate is the KEY to preventing IG's from being placed in environments which are unsuitable for them.

Having read all that, if you’re still interested in learning more about IGs, please contact me for a copy of my IG Handbook. If not, then it’s just as well you learned that an IG was not for you BEFORE you brought one home.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Monkey came to me from ROMP IG Rescue in Chicago. He had a heck of a long flight, but made it here safe and sound.
Monkey is approx 11 months old, neutered and seal in color. He's a real sweetie with lots of hugs and kisses to give. Monkey does very well in an ex-pen but not as comfortable in a crate yet, so we are working on that.

He has been doing really well in the house, having only a couple of accidents since he arrived November 8th. Now that he is more comfortable with his new surroundings, we are going to work on leash training, some basic obedience and getting socialized. My Fosters are not available for adoption until they prove themselves reliable in the house... are leash trained... crate trained... socialized... and have some basic house manners. The level of training depends entirely on the individual dog. Some are not suited to formal obedience training and at the end of the day, it's not important to me that they know how to do a perfect sit, but waiting politely for a treat ( wether they sit or stand or lay down ) is a must, as is waiting at least 3 feet from the door while I open it. It is for their own safety above all else.

He's doing really well, still needs reassurance at times but that's to be expected. We're working on crate training. He must have been jostled about on the airplane because he is very reluctant to be in a crate. He gets his meals there and we're working on him being patient about getting let back out.
The dogs stay in Ex-Pens while I am at work and at night. They have their very own room, the floor has been sealed and stained, they have washable pee pads in case they need to potty while I am away, as well as a water bucket and nice soft bedding to sleep on. I have been carrying Monkey up and down the stairs for his own safety. Yesterday, he went down the stairs all by himself. I consider that a huge victory because he really isn't too sure how these stair-thingys work.
I am hoping to take him to my Mom's place for a Reiki session this week. My Mom does Reiki for animals, which is the use of energy to heal both physical and emotional issues. She is also a gifted animal communicator.
I am also going to start clicker training with Monkey. He's a very smart little boy and I think that he would benefit from the use of the click/treat method of training. Speaking of treats, he is very fond of banana... apple pear... and pea pods.
I don't feel that he's ready to be adopted at this point and because I do not place dogs during the Holiday Season, he will remain with me until at least January. As soon as I feel he is ready, I will spread the word, as well as posting here and start screening homes for him. Stay tuned for updates and more pics!
Blessings from the Faerie Laedie!

My Family

I share my home and my heart with a beautiful dark brindle Whippet named Tango ( Counterpoint Cell Block Tango ), as well as two IG’s – Trance ( Diavolino’s Hypnotic ) , my blue/white boy and Ari, my fawn/white boy. I usually have at least one Foster staying with us and often babysit dogs that I have placed. Never a dull moment at the Faerie Laedie’s home!

Ari is a St John Ambulance Pet Therapy dog, but we’re not currently doing visits as I have had to take a break. We’re hoping to start again very soon. He also has level 1 Agility, which he enjoyed tremendously.

Trance was showing in both Canada and the US with points on both sides of the border. Due to the rising cost of… well, everything… it was decided that he would retire from that ring and perhaps try Rally-O next Spring/Summer.

Tango is my wild child, but is maturing into a wonderful companion. She is a grand-niece to my first Whippet, Diana ( Ch Counterpoint Diana Rigg ) who sadly crossed the bridge January 4, 2008 – taking a huge chunk of my heart with her. Although Diana will never be replaced, John Ross was kind enough to offer Tango to me and we hope to do him proud in Rally-O. She is also very helpful in greeting new arrivals and simply adores the Iggies ( although her adoration can sometimes be overwhelming ).

Woobie Roundup!

Many years ago, I started what I thought would be a “little project” for Internet Miniature Pinscher Service. In loving memory of “Sailor” ( BIS Ch Sagehill Wild at Heart ) I decided to crochet and donate 40 blankets for Min Pins waiting to be adopted. Others heard about what I was doing and offered to help. I lost count of the total number of blankets donated many years ago, but at that point, we had surpassed a thousand blankets donated to various groups across North America. I decided to start up a Blog so that I could updated it and post pics. This is a Volunteer-driven, non profit effort. Swing by and take a look when you get a minute.

Because they all deserve a happy ending.....

My name is Kelly and I am known to many as the Faerie Laedie. I do readings using Faerie Oracle Cards and own over 30 books on the subject, as well as a collection of Faerie-related films. I have also written a novel about the Fay, which I hope to publish in the Spring of 2009. My life is filled with Faeries. I consider myself truly Blessed to share it with them.

I used to breed and show Miniature Pinschers and did Min Pin Rescue for many years. I produced only 3 litters in that time. All my puppies were spayed/neutered and placed with a “take back” clause, which means that I will take them back at any time in their lives – no questions asked. I have also placed numerous Min Pins via my private efforts, all of which are also welcome home at any time, should they need me. I do not have any ill will toward Responsible Breeders who support Rescue and stand behind what they produce. Some of my best friends are breeders. It just isn’t part of my path any longer.

Various circumstances ( some of which were heartbreakingly beyond my control ) led to the decision that I would no longer breed and that I would no longer be involved directly with Min Pins. After Liam ( Pindemonium Celtic Heart ) crossed the Bridge far too young, my heart was broken beyond repair and I simply couldn’t bring myself to continue with the breed. Liam was born into my hands and died in my arms with very little warning. I would not wish that pain upon anyone. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, all the pictures of my Min Pins are still packed in a box, along with their ashes because I just can’t bear to look at them. It still hurts too much, even years later. I am hoping that time really will heal my wounds. I still help Min Pin Rescue from a distance, helping those looking for a Min Pin to connect with those who have Fosters available.

My focus shifted to Sighthounds and to the Rehabilitation and Rehoming of those who were already here… and who needed me, if only for a brief time. It is where my heart belongs and the path I feel I was meant to take.

Faerie Tail IG / Whippet Rehabilitation and Rehoming is my own private effort to assist with IG and Whippet Rescue as needed. I serve as a contact for those needing to rehome IG’s and Whippets and for larger-scale Rescue Groups such as Chinook Winds Greyhound Rescue Foundation, Italian Greyhound Club of Canada Rescue and ROMP IG Rescue. I have a standing offer to accept IG’s and Whippets from groups who may be overwhelmed with Fosters and who do not have enough Fosterhomes available to help. ( If you can get 'em here... I'll take 'em in! )
The placement fee is forwarded directly to the Rescue Group placing the dog. I do not benefit financially from the work I do and that suits me just fine. The benefits I reap are those of the spirit. Nothing makes me happier than getting an e-mail or a phone call from someone that I placed a dog with, expressing their gratitude for "the best" little companion "in the whole world"! I often get asked how I part with them and my answer is simple. These dogs are not mine. If I decide to keep them all, eventually I will no longer be able to help and that doesn't help anyone.

There may be a time when I have an IG or Whippet available privately but that has not happened yet. The reason I wanted to start this blog and attach a name to my work is because I am fast becoming known as "that lady in Alberta who does IG Rescue", so I felt it was time. It is my dream to eventually have an acreage with a huge dog bedroom, indoor/outdoor runs and a huge fenced area for them to play in and possibly others to come train their dogs in. Which reminds me, I have to put together a dream board for that....

I am not seeking funding or donations of any kind, however will not turn down offers of gently used equipment and supplies. If I cannot use items offered, I will kindly refer you to another group who is in need. More often than not, Fosters arrive with nothing and much as I would like to be completely independent, at this time in my Journey I simply cannot afford to purchase everything each of them will need. I am very grateful to those who have been so kind as to offer me yarn to make blankets… gently used crates… dishes… to Nina ( Suni Petware ) for the beautiful custom-made collar/leash sets… to Global Pet Foods for their generous donation of kibble... to Myles and Janice Herbert ( Shetan Kennels ) for their endless support and encouragement - always first to step up to the plate and help out, never waiting to be asked... and to the family who adopted one of my Fosters and donated funds to help with gas for my van and the customs fee for my latest Foster, who came to me from Chicago. Without your help, I simply would not be able to continue my work and turning away an IG or Whippet is not in the plan. The Universe always seems to find a way to make things happen and for that I am also grateful.

Most importantly, to my parents who understand my passion and who taught me that to help others is the best way to help yourself. That there is always someone somewhere out there who is worse off than you are and it is better to devote your energy to helping out than to sit in a corner and complain!

Please visit Suni Petware and consider getting a custom collar/leash combo for the special K9 in your life. They are so generous toward Rescue and I would love to be able to repay them by referring as many people as possible.

Thanks and love to Enya – a friend I have yet to meet. Her music has kept me company many-an-hour on the road and has provided solace to my Fosters on their first ride with “The Foster Momma”. When Ari was just a baby, he would “sing” along and would sing “ya-ya… ya-ya” until I started playing her music whenever we went anywhere in the van. Much love also to Deva Premal, whose music soothed my Diana in her last days and whose voice often keeps the resident hounds company when “The Momma” has to be away at work for the day. Please support both of these artists if you are at all able to do so. Their music will change your life for the better.....

Why did I decide to "Blog"? I don't have the funds available for a fancy-schmancy website and felt that this would be an excellent FREE forum to post updates and pics as well as spread the word about what I hope to accomplish. I absolutely love this format! I will also post about other Sighthounds who are available for adoption so that they may also find the homes they were meant to have.

Blessings from the Faerie Laedie!