Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sad News

I just received an e-mail that no one involved with dogs wants to get. Sweetie has crossed the bridge. Her new parents renamed her Maggie and were absolutely wonderful to her. They are the type of home that everyone in Rescue waits for and is so grateful to find.

I am beyond heartbroken and without words. Rest easy, my little Tweetie-bird. Thank you for allowing me to help you find the Momma and Daddy you were meant to have all along. You will be missed.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monkey Update

I had two Min Pins staying with me over the last week, which meant having shifts of dogs because Tango the Whirling-Whippet is a bit much for the wee dogs to manage. Because of this, Monkey and I have yet to venture out into the big.. big.. world for some much-needed socialization. The good news is that I have 6 days off, starting on Thursday and that's when we're going to get a crash course in people and other doggies.

Monkey is doing well. I have a few people who expressed an interest and am hoping that if all goes well, he will be on his merry little way by the end of January.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monkey Update

As many of you already know, I am Fostering "Monkey" for ROMP IG Rescue in Chicago. Monkey has been with me for some time and we're working on his crate training. The weather has been nasty, so we have not started socializing him yet. I am hoping to do a lot of that over the next three weeks when I have a few days off.

After careful consideration, I feel that an agility/flyball home would be the best fit for Monkey. He is a high-energy Iggy who enjoys learning new things and would benefit from one-on-one training time with his new owner.

If you are looking for an Iggy and think Monkey might fit the bill, please contact me. If you know of someone who might be the home Monkey's been waiting for, please feel free to forward my contact info to them. I am located in Central Alberta.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Brrr! It's cold out there.

Ari and his Canadian-themed jammies

Luckily Ari had a spare pair that Monkey could borrow!

Trance, lookin' handsome in his warm, cozy jammies.
You can tell winter's here. The PJ's come out at Faerie Tail! Unfortunately, that also means that the boyz don't want to venture out into the yard for potty time. So we suffer a bit of a setback with regard to potty training. I have shovelled a path in the yard and an area for them to use which makes things much easier, but I'm hoping this weather doesn't last too long. EEK!
Monkey is doing well. He is going through a fear period right now and has had a bit of a setback with crate training ( which is why the crate is in the living room with the door open ). I am teaching him that the crate is not a bad thing. His food is placed inside the crate and the door is left open so that he gets used to it. The next step will be to put him in the crate and hold the door closed. Then we'll put him in and lock the door, make him wait at least 5 minutes without crying. The whole process shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks and hopefully this time it will stick.
Monkey is such a sweet little boy and I am quite fond of him. But I cannot keep him, so I am still looking for the right home for him. If you are interested in learning more about Monkey, please contact me for more info. faeryhound AT yahoo DOT CA
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Monkey Update

Greyt News! Monkey has learned to climb up and down the stairs by himself! He won't go in the crate by himself yet but is more agreeable to being put in there. He's also learning to wait patiently to be let out again.
He is also learning to enjoy "quiet time". Allow me to translate. When Monkey is getting a bit too wound up, I invite him over for quiet time. He sits quietly in my lap for a cuddle, which only lasts about 15 minutes but it's enjoyable.
Monkey adores Tango and plays with her almost non-stop. She rolls him over on his back, pins him down and he loves every minute of it. So, Monkey can dish it out but can also take it. He's a tuff little Monkey.
I am currently screening homes for Monkey, as I feel he will most likely be ready for placement in mid to late January. I am looking for a home with at least one other dog. Monkey is high energy but will mellow as he gets older ( he reminds me of Ari, who has matured out to be a rather laid back fellow ). I would also like to see Monkey involved in Obedience classes and with someone who is committed to ongoing training.
I will post updates regularily, please feel free to contact me if you are interested in Monkey.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ludivina's Way

Reiki is an energetic form of healing which removes blockages, emotional trauma , promotes stress reduction and deep relaxation. Reiki stimulates the healing process - body, mind and spirit. Reiki can be provided hands on, or by long distance.

My Mother is a a Reiki Master Teacher. She provides energetic healing to animals, encouraging and helping their human partners to provide Reiki to their animals by teaching them Reiki. She has a page on her website with information here

I wasn't too sure about Reiki but my anxiety was so bad that I was willing to try anything that didn't involve medication. I no longer wanted to pollute my body with chemicals which only provided short term relief, with the issue only compounding over time. Both my sister and my mother encouraged me to seek help from Lori Scaife, a Reiki Master ( who later taught my Mother ). I noticed improvement after my first treatment and recommend it to everyone.

I was attuned to Level 1 so that I could offer Reiki to Diana in her last months with me and found it helped her tremendously. It provided me with a way to bond with her and helped me deal with her loss. Even if you and your animals are in perfect health, Reiki can help maintain balance in your life.

Blessings from the Faerie Laedie!

Monkey Business!

Monkey is such a sweet boy and has come a long way since gaining some much-needed self-confidence.

I have determined that Monkey is a high-energy Iggy who is going to need a job. Once he is ready, I will be looking for a home where the new family would be willing to enroll Monkey in Obedience and perhaps even a sport such as Agility. Monkey is not registered, so he would not be able to compete in official events but it would be a wonderful bonding experience for him and his new family.

He loves other dogs and plays with my Whippet non-stop so I would like him to go to a home with another mid to high energy dog who will keep him company. He would make an excellent walking companion - he has a ton of energy to burn. That is partly due to his age, so I am sure he will mellow out as he gets older.

All of my Fosters are crate trained, leash trained, house trained, socialized and have some basic obedience training prior to being made available for adoption. At the moment, Monkey and I are working on crate training. My goal is to get him to the point where he will go in the crate willingly and remain there until I choose to let him out. Due to the fact I have multiple dogs, they all eat their supper in their crates. I usually eat my own supper at the same time and they are expected to remain in their crates until I am ready to let them out. Crate training is an ongoing process. You cannot take a crate trained dog, not use the crate for a year and then expect them to be willing to spend any time in a crate. You will have to start the training over again, which is why I recommend using the crate at least for mealtime so that they are still familiar with the process.

I am also hoping to start the socialization process this week. What I do is take them to dog-friendly public places ( usually PetSmart and TailBlazers ) to meet people and other dogs.

Based on his progress, I feel that Monkey will be ready for rehoming in January. I currently have a few homes that have expressed an interest in Monkey and will continue to screen homes until I find the right match for him. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in adopting, as I have another IG due to arrive at Faerie Tail in the New Year and never know when another may arrive.